Monday, January 26, 2015


Earlier this month I took a one day class in watercolor. The first thing we were to do was sketch the still life that was set up in the middle of the room. My immediate thought was "I'm in over my head". I never sketch, I can, but I don't. So now I'm trying to remedy that  by taking an online class from Jane LaFazio, Sketching and Watercolor: Journal style. The first lesson is on Friday, I'll let you know how I'm doing.

The Weekly Leaf
This week I got out the gelli plate, a leaf mask from Dina Wakley, and russet textile paint from Jacquard. Unfortunately I didn't get out the camera until I was ready to stitch and then I took two pretty bad pictures of the prints.

The first print made with the mask on the gelli plate.
The second print made after the mask was removed from the gelli plate. This is the one I stitched, the first one was used on the back.

The weekly leaf #4, yr2

Daily Stitching updates

Silk Fragments #20-#26

The Daily Paper #313-#319

Linked to "Off the Wall Friday"