
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Making more botanical print cards and a quilt top

The week seems to have just slipped by, where did it go, what did I do with that time? I did make a quilt top out of a pack of 10" squares, I think I'll also add a border to it.

This was probably not my best use of time, but hey, a girl has to just sit and sew sometimes. I have no plan for this, it might end up as a donation quilt.

I turned some more botanical prints into cards and went through the pile and found more that will work. I've got about 40 made, I think I'm about out of envelopes so I'll have to stop soon go shopping.

2018 Weekly Leaf  week #45

2018 Daily Stitching #3  days 44-50
Most of my stitching on this was orange and blue french knots.

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching".


  1. Love, love, love the blue/white quilt…..I’m such a sucker for that color combo.

  2. Ditto to what Mary said. Very cool blues!

    1. Ah, I think all three of us are thinking alike.

  3. It's so much fun seeing how others are using their creative time. nay time you create it is not a waste of your time or that one creation is less important than another. Your hands are special and they have so many things that they are amazing at doing. Your quilt is lovely.
    Connie :)

  4. those orange and blue french notes, love them, what a wonderful work of art. I'm with the rest of you, blue and white quilts are great for winter.

  5. French knots are such fun! Your leaves are looking great!! :)
