
Thursday, May 9, 2019

This weeks stitching

I don't have much to share this week, it's been a busy week in my life but not in my studio. Tomorrow I'll be hitting the road for a couple of weeks, so there may be posts and then again maybe not. I will be taking my daily and weekly stitching along but it's not going to be a priority.

2019 Weekly leaf , week 19

Another solar fast leaf on cotton.

2019 Daily Stitching #2, days 36-42

I've had a question about the thread I use, here is a photo of my bowl of red.

I use pearl cotton, size 5 for the outlining and size 8 for the filling stitches. There are a few variegated threads in the mix, and a pink that hasn't been used yet and may not get used.

I'll try and link up with "Off the Wall Friday and "Slow Sunday Stitching", but if I'm busy it may not happen.

Now I've got to pack!


  1. I've often wondered about your thread. I'll have to get some size 8. Do you mark your patterns on the red piece? I love the variety you are getting with just a straight stitch.
    Have a great trip!

  2. OMG I LOVE that photo of the bowl of red threads... that makes me feel ridiculously happy!
