
Thursday, May 2, 2019

Kittens and stitching

We have kittens again this spring, that makes four years in a row that one of the local feral cats has had kittens in our yard. Only two this year and they are three weeks old today.
Mama always has them behind one of our iris patches next to the house foundation, the tube in the back is for our drip system.

I got the three donation quilts quilted and bound this week, they are ready to turn over to Project Linus on Monday.

2019 Weekly Leaf week #18

There is a beautiful Japanese Maple tree next to one of our local banks, this time of the year the leaves are wonderful, by summer that look pretty ragged and stressed from the heat and dryness.

I picked a few of the leaves and did some botanical printing and was completely surprised at the green color that the leaf produced. It was printed on vinegar soaked silk habitoi and the leaves were dipped in a copper solution then steamed for 2 hours. I also did one on cotton and got no color at all.

2019 Daily Stitching #2, days 29-35
More straight or running stitch explorations.

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching"


  1. You quilted and bound THREE donation quilts this week AND all of that wonderful stitching. Do you ever sleep?

  2. As always, I love your leaf.

  3. Oh wow! Love the leaf colour!
    and the stitches are somehow comforting to the soul.

  4. That maple leaf is really amazing. Must be exciting never quite knowing what you will get with these botanicals.

  5. Gorgeous tree and what a fabulous leaf, but then you always imagine fabulous imprints of nature. As always your stitching is inspired.

  6. Lovely Japanese maple leaf!
    Very cool 3D rotational effect with your redwork!

  7. Baby kittens are my weakness; I'm a failed foster mom (kept the three fosters) but now these five-year-old cats hate foster babies, so I can't do it any longer. Can you trap and spay and release the ferrel mama to stop the cycle?
    Beautiful leaves and stitches!
