
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Another Donation Quilt

In my quest to use up some of what I have, I've made another donation quilt, the fifth one this year.
Here's the front,

and the back.
This one will go to our local Project Linus group.

2020 Weekly Leaf, the Burr Oak Series  #10
altered cyanotype

SAQA next 100 days
days 28-34

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Stitching Sunday"


  1. Beautiful donation quilt and stitching!

  2. Dear Linda, Highly appreciate your heart in making such beautiful and worthy donations of handmade quilts and showcasing each of them to us followers. Putting together some left over materials to make some abstract design quilts have become the most trending in the different types of quilts one sees these days. For those interested to know more on the latest trending wedding styles visit
