
Sunday, March 29, 2020

Catching Up

I have a bit of catching up to do, it's been over two weeks since I've posted. Since we've been sheltering in place and all my normal weekday activities have ceased, I've been loosing track of what day it is. I missed doing my post on the 19th because I didn't realize it was Thursday and then once you skip one post it's easy to skip another. A blog friend emailed  today to check and make sure we were all right, I guess that was the subtle push I needed. (Thanks Norma)

I have finished my SAQA Benefit Auction donation, but probably won't be sending it in for a while.

I celebrated a birthday, very low keyed this year. But I gifted myself with an online printing class from Linda Germain. Every afternoon for two weeks I went out to Studio B and just played, it was a wonderful escape. The first photo is 90 of the prints I did.

This one is of the mess that I have on my table.

I pieced together a donation quit top from five inch squares that some friends pooled together.

2020 Weekly Leaf, Burr Oak Series
week 12, altered cyanotype

I think these nine will go together.

Week 13, solar fast on a commercial fabric

SAQA Next 100 days

I've sewn the first fifty days together.
These are the ones I've done since then.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Time For a Change

I spent several days in the past week painting walls; my living room, dining area and stairwell to be exact. It's been on my to do list for way too long, to give you an idea of how long, I bought the paint in April of 2018. The last time the rooms were painted was either 10 or 11 years ago. The art work which I love but am getting a bit tired of looking at was all hung shortly after the last paint job. Newer work hasn't been hung in most spots yet because I want to use command strips for hanging and the package suggests a week after. These pieces are being replaced.

The bottom leaf one has been replaced with the five daily stitching pieces I did in 2017 and 2018, and they are up.

Although the pictures don't show it very well, the old wall color was a pale aqua, the new color is a pale grey.

2020 Weekly Leaf, Burr oak Series week 11
altered cyanotype print

SAQA Next 100 days, days 35 -41

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching"

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Another Donation Quilt

In my quest to use up some of what I have, I've made another donation quilt, the fifth one this year.
Here's the front,

and the back.
This one will go to our local Project Linus group.

2020 Weekly Leaf, the Burr Oak Series  #10
altered cyanotype

SAQA next 100 days
days 28-34

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Stitching Sunday"