
Thursday, December 26, 2019

A quickie

A real quick post, we have family here for Christmas for the first time in the 15 years we've lived here.

I've finished this years leaves, but I love doing them so next year will be the same.

2019 Weekly Leaf #52
Solarfast on silk, Japanese Maple

Daily Stitching
The tree keeps getting more branches.

I've been experiencing some problems with my blog, I find that it loads very slowly and I've had a regular blog friend that let me know that it also loads very slowly for her and she has been unable to leave a comment. I have no idea what to do about this and haven't had the time this week to try to find the problem. If anyone knows a solution, could you please share it with me. Thanks.

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching".


  1. I too am experiencing a very long wait after your header shows up before the blog post itself suddenly pops into view. This is on a regular pc. I don't know why that would be but if it were me I'd go to my dashboard and check every single setting option to be sure everything is to my specs and nothing has inadvertently been changed on me. Now lets see if this comment will post.

  2. Ok, that worked. But again it was a long wait after I hit publish with only the header showing while thing ground away until the post and my comment popped into view. To be honest, this has been the case the few times I've posted for quite awhile. You might check the blogger help site where users post about issues and possible fixes.

  3. No trouble for me with your blog, nor with mine, I hope it was just for a short time and that now it's fixed for you. I love your tree!

  4. Your tree is lovely and as always your leaves leave me in awe, so glad you will continue doing them.

  5. Hi Linda, your post opened up quickly. Your leaves are beautiful. Hope you enjoy your visitors. Happy New Year!

  6. Hi Linda, I can leave a comment, but yes your blog loaded somewhat slowly for me. I love how your tree is growing. Your leaves are always so beautiful.

  7. Oh your Japanese maple leaf is so delicate. Your tree is lovely as well.
