
Thursday, August 15, 2019

More Donation Quilts

I finished up another donation quilt and went into Boise with friends on Monday to take them to Craft Warehouse. Craft Warehouse collects quilts every August to donate to St Lukes Children's Cancer Center. These are the two that I took in.

We found out this morning that my hubby will start his Chemo treatments next Thursday. It's not something that he is looking forward to, but is happy that something is finally happening.

2019 Weekly Leaf, week 33
Eco/botanical print on silk

2019 Daily Stitching #3, days 43-49

The circle is still a bit wonky, but I'm not going to let that concern me.

SAQA 100 Days of Creativity, days 40-46

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching"


  1. The childrens quilts are so bright and happy, sure to comfort! Big time apprehension is to be expected at the start of any plan to battle cancer…..and yes, having a plan and getting started is positive. Thinking of you both!

  2. Your quilts are so bright and cheery, sure to brighten someone's day. I like your green stitching, each row different. Good luck with your hubby. I wish you both all the best.

  3. What beautiful quilts! Glad you have a plan and start date. Good luck to you both on the next challenge.

  4. Those quilts are beautiful. I am sure they will be well loved. All the rest of your needlework is so pretty too. Best wishes for your hubby and you. I will be thinking of you.

  5. Beautiful quilts. Will keep you and your hubby in my thoughts and prayers

  6. So many lovely shades of green on your embroidery piece!
    Best wishes to hubby for chemo treatments!
