
Thursday, June 6, 2019

Just a little bit of stitching

The only thing to report this week is that I did a little stitching and that was it for studio time.

2019 Weekly Leaf, week #23

Solar fast print on vintage silk

2019 Daily stitching #2, days 64-70

I've had some questions about where I get my ideas for the straight/running stitch patterns I'm using. I do look on pinterest and instagram at different types of stitching, particularly kantha, sashiko, and boro stitching. But that being said, I find that generally if I just start stitching something comes to mind. I know that many of my stitches are influenced by what I look at, but I rarely have a pattern in mind when I start. I've been doing daily stitching for seven years and I've learned to trust that I'll come up with something. I'm also sure that the seven years of experience (plus several more years when I was younger), have made it second nature to me.

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching"