
Thursday, December 27, 2018

2018 Daily and Weekly Projects Done

On Christmas Day I finished both my daily and weekly projects for the year, so I've time to work on getting the next ones prepped and ready to start. I also finished piecing my silk piece and have started the stitching it. Here's how it looked when I finished.

I spent most of a morning removing all the paper from the back.

These are the pearl cotton threads I'm stitching with.

A peek at the stitching.

2018 Weekly Leaf
Week #52

I also took a picture of the back.

You can see all of this years leaves here.

2018 Daily Stitching #3 days 93-97
I painted the edges of a canvas black and pillowcase a black backing onto the piece.
2018 Daily Stitching #3
97 days
10" x 10"

Two years worth of daily stitching, time for a change.

This week I'm making the final decisions on next years projects, getting materials collected and getting ready to start again.

 I've been doing daily stitching projects since the beginning of 2012, you can see them all here, in the order they were done. Some years I worked on two simultaneously, one from the beginning of the year, the other from birthday to birthday. This year I'll be making some changes again which makes me feel a bit unsettled, but I know once I get started I'll get into the rhythm and feel more comfortable.
This vintage white napkin (and 15 others) was a gift from my friend Lisa. It has been fused to white felt and is waiting for the new year,

I'll be continuing with leaves for my weekly stitching.

In March I'll be 72 and that is the 73rd day of the year, so I'll be starting something brand new to do for each day leading up to my birthday. Here's a peek at some of the materials involved.

I may be sorry with this one because I've already broken one of my rules and have to much stuff involved, we shall see what happens.

I want to thank all of you that read my posts for following along on my journey. Doing a blog post every week helps keep me on task and knowing that there are readers out there keeps me motivated, so Thank You all from the bottom of my heart. Happy New Year to everyone and just for fun give  a daily project a try.

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching"


  1. Thank YOU for all of your inspiration and for sharing your beautiful work. I will be hading to FL soon and have made myself little kits for hand embroidery. Not nearly as ambitious as yours but something to keep me busy with no sewing machine involved.
    Happy New Year to you, too.

    1. I have a feeling you will find lots of things to do in FL, but it never hurts to have some sewing backup. Happy new Year!

  2. Thank you for another great year of inspirations!!!

  3. You should know how much your blog inspires so many of us....even if we don't comment. Looking forward to what you do this next year..Happiest of New Years!!!

  4. You have inspired me to get the ideas out of my head and start gathering materials! Live your daily stitching!

  5. We share a birth year and birth month--and a love of hand stitching. Thank you for the inspiration you provide and the beauty you bring into the world!

    1. Thank you and I'll they to remember to wish you a Happy Birthday! Happy New Year!

  6. I do agree with the other comments, your blog is really inspiring. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  7. So much dedication. It is wonderful that you have stuck with it for so long. Beautiful finished pieces. Such a treasure!

  8. Oh my goodness I love that silk log cabin piece you are stitching this week... so labour intensive with all the piecing, removing the paper and now the quilting.
    Loved seeing your creations and watching over your shoulder as you prep new ideas for the coming year.
    Best wishes for a creative 2019!

  9. Amazing what a bit of stitching each day will accomplish! I can’t wait to see what you have planned for 2019.

    1. Thank you, I think that is one of the things that kept me going when I first started daily stitching, how much I could do with just a little a day.

  10. The log cabin piece is so pretty, it just glows. It is great to see your stitchery pieces all together. So nice. Look forward to seeing what you do in the new year.
