
Thursday, August 9, 2018

Indigo, Cyanotype, and Botanical prints

I've had a fun week of printing leaves for my weekly leaf series. First I did several botanical prints dipping the leaves in a copper solution before steaming. These are all on silk broadcloth and the copper gives a much more delicate look than my usual iron dip. This group is ready for the next five weeks of stitching.

I also did several cyanotypes using green fabric treated with the chemicals.
This group and the next will be used later in the year for the weekly leaves. The next group was an experiment with soy wax, stencils and indigo.

I had made up an indigo pot because I wanted a piece of indigo blue about 24" square, after I got that done I decided it was play time. I let some local friends know that I had a pot ready and they were welcome to come play and this morning that's what we did.

We played early because the temperature this afternoon are supposed to be 108 degrees, way too hot to play. The square piece I did is below, underneath the rusted piece I'll be stitching to it.
Last week I promised to show the quilts that were at the Fair.

2018 Weekly Leaf #32

2018 Daily Stitching #2, days 71-77

More background done and a french knot spiral, it's over half way done!

I'll be linking up to "Off the Wall Friday" and Slow Sunday Stitching"


  1. Wonderful post with gorgeous leaves! Congratulations!

  2. Your leaves are always so varied and beautiful. How on earth do you get a copper solution? After dipping they are steamed? With an iron? I’m interested in the process. Thank you so much for another inspiring post

  3. Boy Linda, you have been working up a storm. Lots of beautiful stitching and printing, as always. You inspire me.

  4. Interesting leaves!! I haven't tried to do any dyeing yet.

  5. Wow! The process you've used is fascinating -- I've never seen anything like that before! I have done some leaf pounding, which is cool, too. Fun projects you've got going on!! :)

  6. You must live in paradise with an endless variety of leaves at your doorstep! Congrats on your ribbon at the fair!

  7. I love that rusted piece with the indigo!
    Thanks for sharing your ribboned quilts, so worthy of the honors.
