
Thursday, March 1, 2018

And the stitching goes on...

I pulled out scraps again this weekend and pieced another donation top.

The stripes are pieced and were originally made for something else at least a decade ago, feels good to actually use them. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever run out of scraps.

Weekly Leaf wk#9

Another one from the dyed soaked paper towel.

2018 Daily Stitching days 54-60

The upper right corner and some background.

71 Days of Marks  days 53-59

I'm running out of pages in the sketchbook, so I'm doing more than one per page and using a different pen. The last four were done with a Micron 05. Only 12 days to go.

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday stitching"


  1. As always I love your leaf! The quilt top is so bright and cheerful!

  2. I think your marks are going to be great for inspiration in the future. I can see they would be useful as a resource for something like your daily stitching onto the printed background.

  3. No... you will never run out of scraps! Well, unless you give all your fabric to someone else!
    Enjoy your slow stitching today!

  4. It's always good when you make a quilt top from scraps! Beautiful scraps by the way! I'm fascinated by you dyed soaked paper towel.

  5. I love the variety of your post. That quilt is a wonderful to use those pretty striped scraps.

  6. My sewing room is a veritable breeding ground for scraps! I’ve made three scrap vortex quilts using only scraps and still have tons left. Sigh. You never cease to amaze me with your leaves and your stitching...

  7. The colors in your charity quilt are yummy. As always, I love your leaf.

  8. I don't think we ever run out of scraps. :) Love your quilt!
