
Friday, August 4, 2017

Good year at the fair

The first week of every August is the Washington County fair in the very small town of Cambridge, ID. I usually take a few things up to the fair but never actually go to the fair, taking entries up on Tuesday before it is open and picking them up the following Monday after it's closed. This year I was asked to volunteer for the floral intake which was on Thursday. It was a fun experience and I've already volunteered to do it again next year. We spent the morning assisting those bringing in floral entries and then spent the afternoon following the judge around assisting her and recording the results of the judging. Being there also gave me the opportunity to check out the items that I had brought in on Tuesday because they were judge on Wednesday. I did very well.

I took in six items and got six blue ribbons and a couple of big ones on the two daily stitching projects from last year.

My garden is doing quite well this year and I have one large surprise plant, a pumpkin that came up on its own. I know that there were pumpkin seeds in the compost pile, so I think that's where it came from. It has completely taken over one of my raised beds and this morning I put a bit of a support system together to hold up the two pumpkins that were hanging over the edge.

In the studio I finished quilting the green quilt made from pole wrapped shibori fabrics.

Weekly Stitching
Signs of Life: the five universal shapes
Week #31
This group of five is in a different order and I'm working on the entire piece each week.

So far I've couched down the #3 weight red pearl cotton, machine appliquéd the black shapes down because when I tried to hand stitch them the faux suede upholstery fabric was a bit too thick and very tough to stitch. I'm now adding some random stitching to the background.

2017 Daily stitching project #2, days 52-59
This photo was taken with my camera, the photo below was taken with my iPhone. The iPhone takes much clearer pictures than my camera.

I'll be linking up to "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching".


  1. Linda, Congratulations on all those ribbons! I am completely in love with the green fabrics. Thank you for sharing all your lovely pictures. Have a great weekend! Andrea

  2. A very well deserved congratulations Linda……and I LOVE the green quilt too!!

  3. Kudos on all your blue ribbons. Well deserved! My very first blue ribbon was many years ago at a county fair for a small pieced traditional quilt. My prize was a whopping $3. It made me think of it when I saw your $25 for Best of Show.
    Love what you did with the green quilt and this week's universal shapes.

  4. Congratulations on all those ribbons. You are quite talented. Your pumpkins look a lot like watermelons right now.

  5. Congratulations on winning the ribbons.

  6. Well done winning so many ribbons! I just started learning about shibori and really appreciate your lovely green quilt
