
Monday, February 27, 2017

Week 8 of Seventy Days to 70

Only two weeks to go!

#50  Assorted snaps
 #51 Dyna flow background with lock stitch
 #52 Handmade paper with fabric bits, fused 
 #53 Rusted with buttons attached
 #54 SolarFast print with stitching
 #55 Notan inspired leave done with a Sharpie
#56 Straight stitches in red pearl cotton

Weekly Stitching
 Week #9 Signs of Life: Universal Shapes

Daily stitching updates

Shades of Orange  (only 2 weeks to go here also) #345-351

2017 Daily Stitching days 52-58

Did lots more french knots and some satin stitching.

Later in the week I'll be linking up to  "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching


  1. Knowing how long hand stitching takes, I am impressed with how much you get done in a week.
    And more lovely work this week!

  2. Your altered width ladder stitch is fabulous! It's one I've struggled with in the past- I'm afraid I perhaps don't know how to do it correctly. And I love the red stitches "falling" off the bottom...

  3. I love #50 and #56. Snaps.... never thought of using them as an embellishment.

    1. Thanks Deb, the snaps are leftover from a piece I called "I Have a Notion".

  4. You are so artistic! Thank you for the inspiration you give us :-) each one of these is as wonderful as they are unique

  5. My favourite project is the one with the red stitches! I also love the plus signs stitched on the plus sign. Very creative.

  6. This week I like all of your circles and stitchery. #54 especially speaks to me though I am not sure why. Beautiful.

  7. Love the "universal shape" you made. I've seen two other projects this week using this plus sign/shape and I've loved them all!
