
Monday, February 29, 2016

Painting a Quilt for the porch

I've been thinking about painting a quilt to hang on my front porch, I figure if they can hang them on barns, I can hang one on my porch. On my last visit to the craft store I picked up a 24" square canvas. This week I decided that it had been sitting in the corner long enough and got to work. I will probably never make a double wedding ring quilt, but since I like circles that's what I painted. I made a twelve inch circle template and traced my pattern onto the canvas and got right to painting. My background color is red.

Then one set of circles is a deep turquoise.

Next set is gold(I forgot to take a picture) and the overlapping parts are green.

My color selection was based on the limited selection of acrylic paints that I own. The green was made by mixing the gold and turquoise, it was quite dark so I thinned it with water, which was not the right way to do it and it didn't cover well. After the paint had dried I covered the green areas with  transparent fabric paint which worked quite well. The green actually looks textured, more like a tone on tone print fabric. To finish I outlined everything with a black paint pen and then a coat of matte gel medium.

All thats left to do is to get it hung! I promise a picture when it happens.

The Weekly Leaf

This weeks leaf is just stitches. I drew a group of leaves, light traced the drawing onto my fabric and started stitching.

The tracing is so light that it doesn't show up in the picture.

Week #9

Daily Stitching updates

Gelli prints #54-#60

Sari Ribbon #347-#353

Linked to "Off the Wall Friday"


  1. The simplicity of your leaves today is beautiful!!!!
    You will be proud of me! I finally did some SolarFast prints today that turned out!! I'll be posting on them later this week. So now I have some leaves to start stitching. Do have a question...I always sandwich my piece - batting & backing (secure with some machine stitching) then I hand stitch. Do you sandwich or just stich?? Just curious...

    1. Hi Robbie,Yeah you've got a start with the prints. I fuse a piece of flannel to the back of each piece and this year when I'm done I fuse it to a piece of felt. In the past I would finish stitching and add a back using the pillow casing method. I don't think there is a right or wrong way, do what works for you.

    2. Thanks! You are wonderful to share tips. I will have pics of my Solar Fast leaf prints on my blog tomorrow. Of course, I had to mention your wonderful work again! Thanks much!

  2. ZOWIE……what a great idea to make your own porch quilt block. It’s all the rage here as the original quilt trail got its start in the next county over. This is def. now on my to-do list!!

    Also, love the stitched leaves…..I’m totally inspired!

  3. Great idea about the block for your house! You will start a new trend.

    I have a question about your weekly stitches as well.
    How do you back your gelli and sari ribbon pieces?

    And what do you do with them once they are done?

    You have inspired me to learn a new stitch a week and then do a leaf. However I haven't completed but one since I started. But I am enjoying the stitching.

    Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Hi Jo, I back my daily pieces with flannel also. I fuse the flannel to the larger piece of fabric before I cut out the four inch squares. I then sew them together as I finish a row, which on these is 19 pieces. At the end of the year I put a backing on the whole thing, stitch in the ditch and then put a facing on. At the top of the blog there are links, click on the daily one and you can see the finished pieces.

  4. Every time you do a leaf I think it is my favorite and then you come up with something to top it.
    Your porch quilt is great! How big is it?

  5. I love everything! Just everything! I hae always been in love with leaves and so enjoy yours.

  6. I love the idea of the painted double wedding ring to hang outside. I'm with you on not ever being likely to get around to piecing one so painting it is a great solution. You'll have to take a picture of it in situ once it's hung!

  7. Your porch quilt canvas is a great piece to see! i love the radiant green section!!AND your leaves continue to blow me away!!
