
Monday, July 27, 2015

New Business Cards

My business card supply had gotten very low after the SAQA Conference and I do have a show coming up the end of August, so when Moo cards had a sale recently I jumped on it.

I ordered a mix of my black and white work and my weekly stitching pieces.

The Weekly Leaf

This weeks leaf is a Solarfast print that was done during a play day back in April. I was busy playing and forgot to take process photos, but I used two leaves from a weed and avocado Solarfast.

Week #30

The first 30 weeks of the year all lined up.

Daily Stitching updates

Silk Fragments #202-#208

Sari Ribbon #130-#136

Linked to "Off the Wall Friday"

Monday, July 20, 2015

A Finish!

I finished the piece I've been working on, except for the label. I didn't do a label because I had no idea what to call it, but as I was getting ready to write this post last weeks post title jumped out at me and now it has a title.
"Circles and Curves"
45" x 45"
gelli prints on cotton

The Weekly Leaf
This week the paintstiks and one of my favorite stencils came out to play on hand dyed fabric.

Week #29

Daily Stitching updates

Silk Fragments #195-#201

Sari Ribbon #123-#129

Linked to "Off the Wall Friday"

Monday, July 13, 2015

Circles and curves

This week I started quilting the piece I showed last time. Black stitching on black fabric, all curves and circles.

The black is done and I'm about to start stitching the white areas with the same circle and curve design.

The Weekly Leaf
I used sienna Solarfast on a khaki hand dyed fabric this week.

Added some stem stitching and lots of french knots.

Week #28

Daily Stitching updates

Silk Fragments #188-#194

Sari Ribbon #116-#122

Linked to "Off the Wall Friday"

Monday, July 6, 2015

Keeping cool and sewing

After ten days of over 100 degree temps we are experiencing a slight cool down, todays forecast is for 98 degrees. To keep cool I've been staying in the studio sewing and this is the view from my sewing machine.

I've pulled out bags of scraps and have been stitching them together.

I've gotten borders on a few.

It will eventually become a donation quilt. Right now I'm a bit bored with it.

The black and white circle gelli prints that I showed about a month ago here, have been sewn together. I printed some red on white and a few more white on black circles to get it all together.

The Weekly Leaf

This weeks leaf was printed using the gelli plate and a ginko stencil from Stencil Girl.

The print, the scrap fabric used and a print made from the paint on the stencil.

Week #27

Daily Stitching updates

Silk Fragments #181-#187

Sari Ribbon #109-#115

Another row was added today and I really like how the back looked as I was ironing it.

Linked to "Off the Wall Friday"