
Monday, June 9, 2014

Special Weekend Visitors

My youngest son, the owner of the very fancy bike below,

came to stay for a few days because he was in the Iron Man race in Boise. He brought the little cutie shown below, with him so that she could hang out with Grandma while he was busy with racing.

We went to the park, walked the dog, smelled every flower we saw, used up some sidewalk chalk, watched Frozen, went to the zoo and watched her Daddy cross the finish line. It was a great weekend.

The Weekly Leaf
This weeks leaves were some weed leaves that were printed with Jaquard textile paint and a gelli plate. I forgot to take before pictures.

Week #23

Daily project updates

Line Dance #154 -#160

The Daily Paper #82 - #88

Linked to "Off the Wall Friday"


  1. Sounds like a great time for Grandma!

  2. Your granddaughter is adorable! Great weekly progress, as usual.

  3. Your granddaughter looks so much like you! Beautiful!
