
Thursday, March 14, 2013

One birthday year project done and another started

Today is my birthday!!!! Yesterday I finished the black on white daily stitching and have them all sewn together.
Here are the last three.
A close up of the last one.

The whole thing.
I've enjoyed doing this sew much that I've now started another one. This year I'll be using fabrics that I've either rusted or indigo dyed. I have quite a few pieces of both, but at some time during the year I will have to do more. I've wanted to do more anyway but couldn't justify it if I wasn't using them - so now I am. Here is what I'm starting with.

The first one is done.
I'm keeping with the same 4" size .
Here are #70 - #72 of the other group.

and a close up of week #11
Now I'm off to get a massage, my birthday gift to myself. I've already spent the morning with a friend for coffee, a visit to our favorite nursery, a bit of shopping and lunch.

This post is now linked to "Off the Wall Friday"


  1. Happy birthday! Looking forward to your new daily project. (I am so impressed that you have the entire last year's project sewed together already!)

    1. Thanks Kathy. The only reason it's all together is because every time I had enough for a row I'd sew them together. If I had saved them all till the end I might never get them together.

  2. you have a fantastic creative mind and vision, I love seeing these little wonders

  3. Happy Birthday!
    I'm looking forward to following your new project - I loved the one you just finished!
    Have a great day!

  4. Happy belated birthday and this truly is amazing - you know I'm a fan of this piece - but OMG - en mass its crazy great! what a year!

  5. Love this! It is so inspiring! My birthday isn't until the summer, but I'm thinking I could do a "quarterly" small quilt until then!

    1. A quarterly quilt sounds good. I think it's always good to start small, then if it works well and you like it then do more.

  6. Hi, Linda. I LUV the bl&wh daily squares put together. The new project is going to be so interesting. Great way to celebrate a birthday. Wishing you another year full of creativity and artistry.
    best, nadia

  7. Happy Birthday! You are just a teensy bit older than me...
    love your projects!

  8. Happy Birthday! And great job on your 365 project!

  9. I love the black and white squares. I have viewed this a number of times and have been so impressed.

  10. This was such an incredible project. Not like anything else I have ever seen. Well done.

  11. Absolutely fabulous! AND very inspirational.

  12. Happy birthday a little late (just back from my trip and checking my favorite blogs). I admire your tenacity and the finished product looks fabulous! Have fun with the new one. You're off to a great start.

  13. Just saw Pokey's post and came over here. Oh, I do love your daily stitch project! so similar to the way I work, except it looks like you're better at sticking to a theme. Seriously, love what you're doing! I'm inspired by both the black and white theme and the rust and indigo. very cool!

    1. Thank you Jane, I've been a secret admirer of your work for a long time.
