
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Getting side tracked by other ideas!

While I was getting my two slat masks ready to print with, I got an idea for a leaf design and started working on that instead. I made a leaf shaped mask for one of my large screens and used thickened black dye on the screen for the veins of the leaf.
I used a moss green thickened dye to print with. When I was finished I used some of the thickened green dye to put more leaf veins back on the screen. Today I'll print with an avocado color dye. I also used one of my old screens that is just the outline and veins of a similarly shaped leaf. This is how it looked when I left it yesterday. Today after I print I'll turn the mask over so that it will print in the opposite direction, add avocado vein lines and will probably print the next layer in chartreuse.
During Fiddle week there are lots of garage sales in town, one of my purchases was this tablecloth and seven napkins for a dollar.
This week they got dyed. Eating at my house is a colorful occasion.
I've also been playing with encaustic wax again. I pick up rusty stuff all the time and have quite a collection. A good portion of it is nails that I've picked up in the alley behind my house. I also have quite a selection of rusted fabrics that I've done with my rusty stuff collection. Now I've found a way to combine the two. I fused some of the fabric to a wood panel and started adding wax, then embedded some of my collection. This is how they look now, I'm not sure if they are done yet.
My daily stitching project #106 thru #110.
Yesterday I got a surprise package in the mail from my daughter who had just returned from a trip to Japan. My goodies included a canvas purse with a circle printed on it (how did she know?) filled with a package of "Nara Sarashi" which is a woven hemp cloth and a name seal with Linda in Kanji. Don also got a Kanji name seal. Plus the paper bags everything came in with japanese writing and symbols on them.


  1. Love that leaf printing and the table cloth and napkins. What a productive week you're having!

  2. So much in one post! Your leaf prints are lovely
    and the nail designs are very cool.

    I'm completely green with envy over the table cloth napkin steal you found! Ever since you clued me into to collect those I've hoping to find some. No luck yet.

    Your surprise Japan package is so clever and thoughtful. What a great stash of goodies. Your daughter rocks.
