
Friday, December 31, 2010

The end of another year

The year is just about over and I've spent the last week finishing up some things and starting others. I did get the facing, sleeve and label on the big leaf. Took some pictures of it and entered it in the Paducah show. I haven't entered anything there in many years, but this one seemed to be a good fit. So now I get to wait to see if the jurors also think so.

I took a few days away from my mindless sewing, but have gotten enough strips sewn together for a twin size quilt. This picture is of a few of the strips, I do have leftovers for another project.

I've also played with my needle felting machine. I have a project floating around in my head that requires a trip to the store before I can do it. This piece is some cheesecloth and yarns on felt. I do like the needle felting machine and keep thinking I should do some samples, but that's not the way I work, I just want to jump in and make something.

I also started the hand stitching on a larger indigo piece, I did do a smaller one out of the leftovers from this piece a couple of months ago. This has been hanging around waiting for me to get to it.

My friend Dan sent me the following :

My Wishes For You in 2011

12 Months of Happiness,
52 Weeks of Fun,
365 Days of Success,
8760 Hours of Good Health,
52600 Minutes of Good Luck,
3153600 Seconds of Joy
...and that’s all!

Happy New Year


  1. Your leaf quilt is amazing! Happy New Year! I found your blog through Strathmore workshops.
