
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Circles revisited

I've and hung fourteen of my 10"circle pieces on a long wall in my house. I showed fifteen of them last month and have made some deletions and additions since then. I took out four that didn't work for me and added three more. I took out the stitched ones that took a lot of time but I'll do something else with them. They were just to bulky wrapped around the frames.

These 2 are new ones, white buttons on black silk.

These 2 are black buttons on white linen. During class it was decided that these didn't fit stylistically, but I decided that since they were hanging in my house it was okay. In fact I did the white on black ones to balance out the group

These 2 were done with a flour paste resist on silk, then painted with black dynaflow paint


  1. Linda I love the two lower images with the flour resist. I do not dye fabrics- just not enough time, but I work with a dyer closely who collaborates with me. This reminds me of some of the potato dextrin pieces she has done for me.
