
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A few new projects and an upcoming trip

I never got to a doing a blog post last week and I'll be leaving for a couple of weeks later this week, so you get one post to cover it all.

I've made 2 donation tops, the quilting will have to wait till I get back.

The final outside stitching and facing were put onto the tree.

On February 1, SAQA is starting another 100 days project. I'm ready to go and will have several pieces with me to stitch on my travels. I started with a piece of silk that I had screen printed about a decade ago.
Flannel was fused to the back and it was cut up into 5" squares, all ready to stitch. At the end of the 100 Days they will all be rearranged and sewn back together. Right now they re lined up ready to go.

2020 Daily Stitching, rainbow scraps
Last week it looked like this
Now it looks like this.

2020 Weekly Leaf, The Burr Oak Leaf Series
Week #3, cyanotype, color removed with TSP and then soaked in tea.

Week #4, Cyanotype, color removed with TSP and then soaked in red wine

I've started another "25 Million Stitches" panel, this time I'm using part of a vintage pillowcase and some of my very old embroidery floss.

This will be going with me also and I have no plans for it, I'm just doing some freeform stitching.

I'll be flying to Washington State later this week to spend a couple of days with family, then my daughter, granddaughter and I will be flying to Thailand!!! I'm very excited! The blog posts should return around the middle of February.

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching"

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Rainbows, A Tree and An Oak Leaf

My tree is stitched and now I need to add the white stitching around the outer edge and the facing.

My original plan had been to stitch a background but when I finished the tree it felt complete. I posted this on Instagram and asked if it needed a background and the overwhelming response was leave it alone. So my gut feeling that it was complete was right. I'm very pleased with how it came out, especially after struggling to get it started.

You can find me on Instagram @thrulindaseyes

2020 Daily Stitching #1
I've finished the outer circle and will now begin stitching the scraps I showed last week down.

2020 Weekly Leaf, Burr Oaks #2
This one is a cyanotype that has had the color removed with TSP.

Hubby got good news last week, his Oncologist gave him a clean bill of health. Of course we have to go in every three months for CT scans as a precaution. Tomorrow he sees the surgeon, has the remaining stent removed and hopefully can return to full activities. He's feeling better and has started riding the exercise bike to get some stamina back, the whole process was really tough on his body. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks to all of you for the good wishes, prayers, etc.

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching"

Thursday, January 2, 2020

New Year, New Projects and the Same Old Blogger Problems

Thank you to all that posted or emailed to let me know if they were or were not having problems getting my blog to load. I'm really confused now because some of you are having the same problem I am and others are not, it takes several minutes to load on my computer but loads instantly on my phone. As much as I love this new technology it sure is frustrating when you have no idea how to fix something.

On to new stuff!

I have one more of the 20" napkins that I have been using for my daily stitching so I'll have two daily stitching projects to start the year with.

2020 Daily Stitching#1

 I may use some fabric scraps on this one, but there are also a couple of other ideas floating around so nothing is definite yet except for the rainbow colored blanket stitch. These are the scraps they may get used.

Continuing 2019 Daily Stitching #5
The tree has all its branches now.

2020 Weekly Leaf week #1

I have several cyanotype prints of Burr Oak leaves so to start the year I'm stitching them. They may end up altogether in a larger piece.

I took a group shot of all of the 2019 Leaves. These will get mats and be ready to frame individually and will end up for sale if I get my act together.

SAQA Benefit Auction
I've done a small piece (6"x 8") for the silent auction that will be held at the annual SAQA Conference.

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching"