
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Taking advantage of a sunny day

I had a pack of 5 inch squares that I had purchased for a donation quilt so I spent some sewing time getting it this far. I need to add some borders to make it a bit larger.

 We've had sunshine and unlike many parts of the country it's been quite warm (at least for January). I took advantage of that sunshine, used some black solar fast and printed a few leaves. At least one of them will show up soon as a weekly leaf.
The top two are on vintage silk drapery fabric, beige on the left and pink on the right. The bottom one is on a handed gold cotton. These were in my pile of fabrics that I keep ready to print, all torn to size and ready to go.

2019 Weekly Leaf #5

A botanical print on silk noil

2019 Daily Stitching days 25 - 31
This is how it looks after one month.

72 Days of Landscapes, days 25 -31

day #25
watercolor crayons, stencil, paint sticks

hand dyed cottons

Day #27
recycled security envelopes, hand dyed cotton

day #28
hand dyed cotton, painted and melted tyvek, heavy threads

watercolor crayons, embroidery stitches

hand dyed cottons, silk and cheesecloth

hand dyed cottoned silk, silk has burnt edges, stitches

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching", do check out what others are creating.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Project progress

This week all I have to share is the progress I've made on my projects. I've had lots of things going on outside of the studio so my projects were all that got worked on. Tomorrow I'm going ice skating with a friend, something I haven't done in about 20 years, my skates are dusted off and I'm ready to give it a try.

2019 Weekly leaf week #4
 This week I found an old Solarfast print, I think this was one of the first ones that I did. There are two different colors on a pale yellow hand dye.

2019 Daily Stitching

72 days of Landscapes
I'm still loving doing this.

Here's the 24 that I've done.

day# 18
white felt, hand dyed fabric

Day 19
hand dyed fabric and hand stitching

Day 20
torn hand painted watercolor paper

day 21
hand dyed cotton and silk

Day 22
hand dyed silk and cheesecloth, tea stained manila envelope 

Day 23
handmade paper, hand dyed fabric, hand stitching

Day #24
stenciled with paintstiks

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching"

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Keeping Busy in the Studio

I'm going to start this with an apology for some of the pictures, the light this season has been dismal. We have been experiencing a temperature inversion, which gives us grey skies. The wind blew and it rained last night which helps clear out the inversion, but now we have a grey rainy day. I've been spending most of my time in the studio, my happy place! As long as I'm creating I can shrug off the grey weather.

In late December I was given a bag of scraps to use for donation quilts. I've made three and they will be going to our local Project Linus.

Then there was a rust and indigo partially finished piece that's been hanging around in the studio for way to long, so a few hours of work finished it up.

Indigo Eclipse
23"h x24"w

2019 Weekly Leaf #3
 A gelli print found in my stash.

2019 Daily Stitching days 11-17
I'm filling in the large circle with smaller ones.

72 Days of Landscapes
Days 11-17

day 11
hand dyed cheesecloth, dyed paper towels and machine stitching

Day 12
hand dyed silk and cotton
based on my memory of Arches National Park

Day 13
watercolor crayons, hand dyed hemp and cheesecloth

Day 14
over dyed kimono silk scrap, hand dyed paper towels, machine stitching

Day 15
paper towel, discharged rayon, hand dyed cotton

Day 16
water color crayons and a stamp

Day 17
hand painted fusible scrap,paper towel, hand dyed fabric

These have been fun and I hope they continue that way. Most days I have no preconceived notion of what I'm going to do, I just start playing with my box of scraps that I've gathered for this project. I think I'm enjoying it because I have no plans to ever do something with these, they don't have to be perfect or even close, it's just an exercise. This is not the way I normally see things, I usually feel like I have to have a plan of some sort to put everything together or to be able to sell or show what I make. This is very freeing.

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching".