
Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Annual Studio B Cleanup

It seems that every Spring I take a look at Studio B and realize that over the winter I have created an enormous mess, most of it just because I haven't put stuff away, I've just piled it. Here's a quick peek.

So far I've put away the bags of quilts that were piled up and found homes for the rolled ones. Removed the empty boxes from the table, have them ready for recycling, cleaned up the sink area enough to use it, washed the towels and put them away. It's not done yet but at least I can use the print table top again and I plan on using it this afternoon to do some Gelli prints of leaves for my next group of weeklies.

2018 Weekly leaf #17

2018 Daily Stitching days #111-116

French knots to make a few leaves.

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching".

Friday, April 20, 2018

I'm back!

I've had a very busy 2 weeks. It started with a 2 day class with Lisa Flowers Ross on Abstraction from Nature. I love the way Lisa does abstraction and the class was excellent, I highly recommend it.

Next up we drove to western Washington to stay at my daughters and take a trip up to the Skagit Valley for the annual tulip festival. What I hadn't planned on was the surprise my kids had planned for me. They had rented a large house in the town of Langley on Whidbey Island, and they all showed up to spend the weekend. We saw the tulips, a grey whale, went to Deception Pass and just had a wonderful time. Here is our group photo at the Tulip Festival, all seventeen of us.

The fields of tulips were stunning and photos really don't do them justice.

Then the day long drive back home, a day to catch up and then last night I drove into Boise because I was the guest speaker at the Boise Basin Quilters meeting. I gave a talk and slide show titled "Can Daily Stitching Change your Life?".

Now its back to normal for a while.

2018 Weekly leaf #15 and #16

2018 Daily Stitching

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching"

Thursday, April 5, 2018

A week of meetings

I rarely have to go to meetings and I've had three this week, that's my excuse for not getting a lot done and I'm sticking with it.

I did finish the two donation quilts and they are tucked away until I need them.

The Weekly Leaf #14

Here are all 14 of them, each one will be mounted on mat board and ready to frame. When I get that done they will be for sale.

2018 Daily stitching days 89 - 95
 More french knots and some strange orange shapes.

I'll be linking up with "Off the Wall Friday" and "Slow Sunday Stitching"