
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mono Printing

Laura had a question on my last post about mono prints, so I thought I'd write about how I do mine. Mono prints are a single one of a kind print. I have a salvaged window that is about 24" x 30" that I use for most of my prints. I use either fabric paint, versatex printing ink is my favorite or thickened dye. With a gloved hand I scoop up some paint with my fingers and start smearing it around on the glass until I'm satisfied with what I see. Then I take my piece of cloth and carefully lay it over the smeared paint, then I use a brayer to go over the whole thing. Then carefully pick the fabric up off the glass and put aside to dry. Generally I'm not happy with my first piece, it takes some playing around to get the right amount of paint on the glass, but you have to work quickly before the paint dries.

The picture below is of four mono prints done with thickened dye. I had the dye in squeeze bottles and squirted it on and used various tools to smear the dye around.

For pieces bigger than my glass piece, I use vinyl. I bought several yards at JoAnn's and I keep it rolled on a cardboard tube.

There are several other ways of doing mono prints, but this is my favorite way. There's no right or wrong way of doing it - just do what works for you.

On another note; my other blogwas nominated for an award today. So I had to nominate three other blogs for the same honor, so go check it out.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

New work

I'm a member of SDA(Surface Design Association) and there will be a members show at the upcoming convention in June. I've known about this for over a year, but had trouble coming up with something for the theme "Merge and Flow". Finally last week I decided to do some mono prints and my fourth piece was just what I wanted. The size requirement is 12" x 28"either vertical or horizontal. I thought my piece was going to be horizontal but after doing the stitching I decided definitely vertical and the title is "Waterfall".

As you can see I'm back in black and white mode. This was done with black textile paint on white cotton, layered with flannel and hand stitched with pearl cotton. The deadline for entry is Feb. 1, so I even have time leftover!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Fist Full of Threads winner

These are the threads I won. Laura Wasilowski has been giving away a fist full of threads every Tuesday as a way to celebrate her soon to be published book. Check out Artfabrik on Tuesday, leave a comment and you have a chance of winning also.

I pulled out a piece of fabric I had painted quite awhile ago and got inspired to do something with it. This is a close up of the stitching and brushstrokes.

Here is the whole thing. I'm thinking of calling it "Swoosh". The edges still need finishing, probably a facing instead of binding.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New year, new directions

Explore is my theme for the New Year. I've made 2 separate lists of things to explore, one is places, the other is art supplies. The places list is posted on our refrigerator and lists places that are within a couple hundred miles of home that we talk about going to visit but never seem to do it. It's been on the refrigerator since Sunday and Don hasn't noticed it yet, I'm waiting to see how long it takes.
List #2 includes art supplies that I've purchased and never used. I've purchased many sketchbooks over the years, but never really use them, so I've signed up for some free online courses given by Strathmore. Below is my first page from lesson one.

Other items on my list include encaustics,needle felting, acrylics and watercolor. Both lists have lots of space to add things on as the year progresses.

I've also finished piecing the top from sample swatches, it's twin size, the picture only shows about half of it.

I have a pile off leftover pieces that will make there way into a future quilt.