
Friday, September 4, 2009

I'm still here

I feel like I'm not a very good blogger, it's been over two weeks since my last post. I think about doing it, but never really get around to sitting down and writing. I've actually been quite busy doing fabrics and a keynote presentation for the Mastery class. I've got two weeks to get it all together and then I'm off to San Antonio for a week of class. This will be the fourth week of five, so the end is in sight. I do feel I've made some huge changes to my work and can make even more.

To complicate things we are remodeling our kitchen and installing hardwood flooring thru the kitchen, dining room and living room. This means multiple trips to Home Depot(30 min. away) and the house a total disaster. I'm finding it hard to focus and actually get anything done.

The picture above is a 45 inch square of cotton that has been hand painted with dye. It took about four hours and it felt so good to be totally in the zone working. I've never done anything like this piece before and I love it!! This will most likely become a whole cloth quilt and hang in the dining room. While I was doing this piece I had it rotated so the big orange curve was on the right hand side, but I think I like it this way.

Currently there is a three yard piece of silk pinned to my print table, so I'd better get out to the studio and do something with it.

Thanks for reading.